
Ancient Tools versus the Common Cold

The Wisdom of the Ancient Tools

by S. Roger Joyeux

    Copper has long been a healing tool.  Your grandfather may have used a copper bracelet to allieviate the worst affects of arthritis.  Many new agers are using copper pyramids to sit under during meditation.  Ornate jewelry coming from conscious crafts persons often have crystals wrapped in copper.  The intention is to use the copper as an energy conductor for the light flowing through the crystal.
    Personally, I have owned a "copper energy bed" since 1991.  Over the years, I have also built copper energy beds for friends.  This new age tool is a piece of sheet copper mounted on a piece of plywood and comes complete with copper foil edging.  I use the energy bed in conjunction with crystals to do layouts for myself and others.  I have been fortunate enough to have done several hundreds of layouts using my copperboard and crystals.  Early on, I came to realize that one of the ways it works as a healing tool is to eradicate the common cold.
    During the last day of our recent trip to Sedona, Judy and I took a ride on the Verde Valley Scenic Train.  It was a tourist thing-to-do.  The day was quite pleasant and even hot when we lined up for the half hour wait to get on the train.  There was no thought about going back to the car to get warmer clothes.  The first hour of the 3.5 hour train ride was also quite pleasant.  Almost everyone on the train ride was out in the open air cars that were attached front and back of each of the regular Pulman cars. At less than 20 mph, there was very little breeze to be concerned about.  Then the angle of the sun started to drop, and the temperature dropped with it.  The difference was not significant and we both got used to it.  By the last hour, we were both feeling mildly chilly, but Judy did not want to budge from her perch on the rail of the open-air car.  She was there to the bitter end.  Fortunately, cold symptoms did not surface until we were safely back in Calgary, but she caught the common cold on that train ride.
    Soon enough, her nose was running, she was coughing, and fatigue and headache were also part of the symptoms she was experiencing.  I was cautious about  catching a chill and managed to keep her cold at bay for almost two more weeks.  She did the Cold FX thing, Neocitran, and Robitussan, but the cold ran its course.  Then I started to get the early signs with a sore throat and flagging energies.
    I had mentioned to Judy that she should do a copperboard session or two, but she she never did.  When I started to get symptoms, I too procrastinated.  On the second day of my falling into a cold, I knew that if I procrastinated any longer, the cold would catch hold for the worst.  So, I did a copperboard and crystals layout that afternoon, and another that evening.  The symptoms were still present after the second session, but not any worse.  On the third day, when a cold would cause runny nose, coughing, and pronounced weakness, I did two more sessions on the copperboard.  After the third session in two days, I could feel the cold lifting. After the fourth session, the symptoms were receding nicely. On the fourth day, I had only traces of a cold.  I did one other session that day.  Thereafter, I had no cold.  I did another session on the sixth day just to be sure, but by then I had no symptoms of any kind.
    This was not the first time that I had used the copper energy bed and crystals to ward off the common cold.  I just knew that unless I was willing to suffer the discomfort of being sick, I needed to use my copperboard.  It worked as I knew it would.
    Colds, from our understanding, are episodes of energy clearing that deal with our personal baggage and issues, and set us up for what is ahead in our lives.  The symptoms come.  The unpleasantness sets in, and for about two weeks, the common cold has you by the throat.  However, clearing energy, for whatever needs to clear, does not need to be unpleasant.  Using the copper energy bed is the easy way.  I am just glad that I have one.

©S. Roger Joyeux is the author of The Story of Light, volumes one and two, and has been offering crystal layouts, crystal workshops, and light body activation for over 20 years. For info on his workshops, visit the workshop page. For info on his books visit The Story of Light.


Crystals . . . Brown Chalcedony

©S. Roger Joyeux

Brown Chalcedony

Once-in-a-while, I come across a crystal that provides a unique twist to our perceptions of what crystals are doing. Brown Chalcedony is one such crystal. When I first looked at Brwon Chalcedony, I thought that its whitish peaks were the “important” vibration. I thought that these carried vibrations similar to selenite and had quite high frequencies. Similar to how many other high vibrations manifest into their Earthly forms, I thought Brown Chalcedony’s brown layering was the vibrational base upon which the higher whitish material grew. I was right, but the big picture was bigger. Speculation on crystals can lead the way. Intuition can take the understanding farther, but having the blessing of the clear channel, from which came the body of knowledge that is the story of light, trumps all.

Here is what my channel offered about Brown Chalcedony.

Upon observing a specimen of Brown Chalcedony, one will notice that it has a slate foundation with malachite inclusions. This slate structure possesses a very consistent vibrational frequency, and it forms the base for the quartz layer that grows upon it. With the clean slate and malachite layer to anchor and hold the initial vibration, the quartz layer is also quite clean and pure. The initial quartz foundation is quite even in its thickness. This is because the slate foundation emits an etheric magnetic field that ensures that a very even amount of light gets through to its physical form. The quartz, too, puts out an even and consistent etheric magnetic field for the purpose of attracting a consistent amount of the Brown Chalcedony light frequencies.

To say that the chalcedony is brown is somewhat misleading. Rather, the third layer of foundation, which grows upon the quartz layer, which grows upon the slate foundation layer, is close to a Citrine vibration. The brown substance gets its colour from the presence of iron. The iron serves as a purely magnetic force to attract the third layer of Chalcedony. Because the first two layers of the slate and the quartz are so even in their thickness and strength, the third iron-filled layer at the top surface of the quartz is also consistent in quality and thickness over its breadth.

The magnetic field of attraction resulting from all three layers of foundation is markedly even. Therefore, the whitish material that grows on the foundation and juts out into tiny peaks is relatively even across the surface.

Brown Chalcedony

The third layer of foundation, the whitish material, is a hybrid of quartz that is exceptionally clean and high in its vibration. It is not a Selenite-type material, but a most pure form of common silica quartz. This layer brings in a highly charged range of frequencies that are at the upper end of the Earth’s natural third dimensional vibration. The whitish layer of Chalcedony, then, is an extremely high, but strictly third dimensional Earthly quartz vibration that sets up a further foundation for a crystalline light frequency that has yet to make itself available. Brown Chalcedony is a rock of future ages. The final vibration that is destined to become part of the Chalcedony is not due to arrive on Earth for another 400-600 years.

Brown Chalcedony is of very little consequence to persons or vibrations in this period of time. This is the reason that you, Roger, have not dealt with Brown Chalcedony prior to this time. This and each of the other chalcedony pieces are still in the process of growing foundations for a vibration that is yet unavailable.

The whitish top layer, as apparent on current pieces of Brown Chalcedony, needs to be about a centimeter in thickness. Simultaneous with the achievement of this thickness and very much in the future, the vibration of the Earth will have evolved enough to be ready for the crystalline physical vibration that will grow upon the Chalcedony.

If you, the reader, now possess a piece of Brown Chalcedony, there is nothing for you to use it for. Rather, you are the guardian as its foundation structure grows in anticipation of the coming crystalline vibration for which Brown Chalcedony has developed on Earth.

©S. Roger Joyeux is the author of The Story of Light and has been offering crystal layouts, crystal workshops, and light body activation for over 20 years. If you wish to learn about crystals, see his latest workshop at www.angelsandancestors.com/workshop.php#crystal


Crystals: TOPAZ
©S. Roger Joyeux

The following is a draft from Roger’s upcoming book on crystals. This new book will be the third volume of The Story of Light series of books.


Topaz has been on the Earth since the most ancient of times.  It has come through a number of metamorphic changes, as have most vibrations on Earth.  During Earth’s earliest times, Topaz worked with the human body’s chakras, such as they were.  The design of the human form along with the design of its chakras has changed, and so has the way they offer and receive light.  The original chakra designs were of course inferior and met with their end.

Once the human body was capable of accepting light, however little that might have been so long ago, Topaz made its contribution.  Along with the changes that took place in the way light was organized in the chakras, so too did Topaz change.  In today’s world, Topaz’ orange colour resonates with the upper frequencies of the second chakra, and at times, with the lower frequencies of the third chakra.

The divine Creator gave Topaz the grace to open the creative juices, the rasa, or life-force of human existence since the very beginning.  One might well imagine that there was a great need during the early millennia to bring creative energies into the human form.  By the acquisition of the power to create, the quasi light-entity of early Earth adapted to, or adapted, his immediate surroundings.  The power to create, however, did not make life more comfortable in any significant way.  Even though comfort was essential to basic survival, the presence of the creative power had another purpose.  It permitted the higher-self and soul to manipulate light to a greater degree.

The limitations of the human body’s ability to assimilate light were soon realized, and the need for improvements became apparent.  The body was overhauled and redesigned.  The role of Topaz, at that early stage, was to serve as a vibratory home for greater quantities and higher qualities of light.  With more light, the soul’s energies gained access to the way light was manipulated on the physical plane.  During these early stages, the angelic ones did not yet know how light adapted to a third dimensional vibration.  Adapting light to Earth is the essence of our mission on Earth, but the knowledge of how to do so lay ahead.

When Topaz first brought the power to create into the existing chakras of early man, seven chakras did not exist.  At first, there was only a single chakra.  Soon after, there were three chakras—the base, the heart, and the crown chakras.  Topaz resonated with the crown chakra and, to a lesser extent, with the other two chakras.  At this early point in history, the differences between the chakras was inconsequential.  As such, any stone that could resonate with one chakra, resonated with all three chakras.  The crown was somewhat more advanced, because the initial work to bring any available light into the body was done in the crown.
The distant past has now come to the present.

In the last few millennia, Topaz continued its work to bring forth the creative energies of the higher-self.  To some extent, Topaz still brings forth light in the current new age, and still retains some ability to work with more than a single chakra.  However, its ability to crossover between chakras is limited to the second and third chakras only.  The second chakra resonates with the darker orange range of light frequencies, as does the usually darker orange Topaz.  These are the frequencies, which carry the body’s sexual energies.  The higher vibration of navel chakra, the chakra of creative power, is a lighter shade of orange, but primarily golden-yellow.  Topaz is also capable of empowering the lower ranges of the navel chakra to some degree.

With Topaz, the higher-self can participate to ensure the alignment between the chakra and the heavens, whenever the creative power is used.  The higher-self directs the expression of the chakras by bringing the higher frequencies from the soul, which correspond to the frequencies indigenous to the chakras.  Topaz gains a reputation for its contribution to the sexual and creative energies of the second and third chakras, but these are not the only vibrations enhanced by Topaz.

Once the soul and the physical plane align with each other, the increase in the amount of the soul’s creative light energy coming to Earth is significant.  Thereafter, the light frequencies acquired by the Topaz work to further empower the chakras’ energies and powers of creativity.  With more creative energy, the chakras provide an even more welcoming environment into which more of the higher frequencies of the soul descend.  Topaz helps create a place for the soul’s creative forces to come.

Let us return to the second chakra.  During the early millennia, the reproductive energies resided in the base chakra.  The alignment created by Topaz between the base chakra and the soul was the primary means to bring the sexual creative forces into the human body.  Consequently, the soul could more easily manipulate sexual reproduction by joining matter of specific quality.  It had great control over the selection process of reproduction.

Today’s base chakra is much changed.  In the modern era, some of this type of soul-directed guidance is still possible by using Topaz.  Again, Topaz of the darker orange variety resonates with the higher sexual energies of the pelvic second chakra.  It helps to open the second chakra to receive the creative frequencies of the soul.  Once opened, the will of the soul is asserted with greater effect upon the sexual drive of the individual in question.  While one might prefer to deny that species selection takes place in this way, the soul looks upon the process as a valuable tool for combining two entities with desirable qualities.  The process of sexual selection, similar to how it worked in the earliest of times, is based primarily on the individual’s ability to accept the soul’s light into his body.

If the striated piece of Topaz also has a natural termination, it is most valuable to the way that Topaz offers its light.

To learn more about how crystals work, both with our many subtle bodies and with their specialized ranges of light frequencies, Roger is hosting the workshop entitled, "Crystals' Light", on November 20-21. For more details, see here. To see Roger's other books see here.


The Conclusion to Ant Oneness

By Roger Joyeux

            So whatever happened to the Ants?
            Ant Oneness it is!
            As we left our communication with the ants in the previous article, I had apologized to them for creating an ant-trap with sugar-water syrup.  The number that died in the sticky goop was not severe enough to affect their colony.  Their response to my apology was that a few dead ants were the same as construction-site injury statistics.  The loss was built-in as an expectation.  Apology accepted, yet they really were not concerned.
            The ants then went about their business.
            Well, I am not an ant, so what was their business?  I really cannot say.  That is, I had hoped to have the follow up article before this, yet I was not clear on what was going on.  I reorganized the sugar feeders by filling bottle caps with granulated white sugar and placing them under a glass jar to keep them dry when it rained.  Would they appreciate my innovation?
            The holes they had been making in the yard reduced in number, yet did not disappear entirely.  As summer passed, I noticed that the location of these “aerating” holes concentrated in the driest parts of the yard.  When I thought about it, dry soil would harden more than moist soil and be in need of aeration more than moist soil.  Maybe they knew something I did not know.
            One of the nice things about being on friendly terms with the ants was that they moved their housing project away from our house.  Previously, they established their colony under the concrete sidewalk pads that run beside the foundation.  The fine grains of soil that accumulated between the sidewalk pads disappeared altogether.  I have yet to see an ant inside the house.
            I had placed a statue of a golden Buddha on a stone pad in an unused part of the yard hoping they might relocate there. And they did!  I moved the stone pad enough to look beneath twice in the past two months because I was not sure they were in residence there.  No doubt, Ant Oneness was thriving under Buddha’s gaze.
            After a time, I also noticed a second colony located on the other side of the yard.  Their colony was right beside the grass but in the gravel, that borders our landscaped trees.  How polite!  The ants were immediate to the yard, but not in it.  The gravel was only a thin layer covering the topsoil, so they had lots of room to develop without creating a noticeable anthill.
            We have not spoken with the ants lately, but we are living in harmony.  They are no longer pests, but our ‘friends’; and they contribute to the well-being of the yard without creating a mess.
            We have decided to call our current relationship with the ants the ‘nirvana’ of Ant Oneness.  ‘Relief’ is another fitting description.  Our biggest lesson from this new relationship is that, indeed, all life forms are energies that have a place in God’s creation.  Because we can consciously facilitate the well-being of creatures that inhabit our space, doing so is our imperative.
            As other species thrive, so do we.

S. Roger Joyeux is the author of The Story of Light, volumes one and two, and is in the process of writing a third volume devoted to crystals.


Ashtar and the Ashtar Command

From Cloverleaf Connection

MICHAEL: "We, of the Governing Body of this Universe, have found it necessary and proficient to enlist the services of these many highly endowed individuals who have chosen this service as a gesture of brotherhood, to assist your planet and thereby guide the destiny of the entire Solar System into a higher dimension of life.

"The day will come when the men of Earth will rise up and call him (Ashtar) blessed who has served as leader of this volunteer force, guided their coordination, broadcast their messages to Earth in a multitude of ways, to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God on Earth. We salute the Ashtar Command and all that it embodies, as well as all that it has accomplished and shall accomplish for the fulfillment of the Will of God. Receive ye this great Man, with our blessings and our benediction. I AM Archangel Michael, of the Lord's Hosts."


Dear ones, my name is Ashtar. I am an etheric being from many, many planets, stars and incarnations. However, for billions of years, I have taken on one project, the project of populating many planets with "Star Seed", and the project of bringing those planets through evolution. Earth is not the only one! Still it was myself, among others, who brought life to Earth in the very beginning and I did this, as did others, mainly through intention and through the process of creation relative to the human being. Now, because the Earth is out of balance and because I have an interest in the people, I come to assist at this time, to see her through the evolution into the Fifth Dimension.

And so, I come as a shepherd, gathering together his sheep safely, carrying the ones who hurt, just being there for all of them, finding the strays and bringing them together. This is my task, at this time, relative to the Earth. Ashtar means "Shepherd". I am Ashtar, shepherd of the Earth.  I wish to bring to your awareness another shepherd, for there are many. This shepherd you know very well. His name is Jesus. Jesus was an incarnation on the Earth of a very high being,  known to those of the Light as Sananda. This one, of course, you all know personally. He is the  one to whom you pray. Jesus. Sananda.

Dearest ones, I work directly under the leadership of Sananda. Therefore, you know and understand that we of the etheric inter-dimensional forces work directly with the Light, with Jesus and with God. Your Heavenly Creator is the one whom we worship, just as you do. 

We are working with you as partners, to bring the Earth into a higher dimension. That is what is occurring and is what the Book of Revelation does not say. All of the changes upon the Earth are cleansings to prepare for this and they are explained in Revelation. It would be helpful for you to read that book, the last chapter in the Bible. As you read, you will see and you will understand there are prophesies, and that on the Earth those prophesies are being fulfilled right now. I give you these words with much love, dear ones. I give you these words in order to bring understanding to your heart.  I bring you these suggestions so you will be able to look deeper and understand better. I wish to thank you at this time...all of you who are of the stars...who are awakening to the reality that is not in the history books. These realities are coming through in the form of channelings, realizations, insights and dreams. Dear ones, I suggest that you get together with others of your philosophy, either by postal mail, by email, or in person, so you can discuss these matters, and thereby understand more.

Daily, dear ones, invoke the Light upon your entire being, your life, and your loved ones. The White Light is your protection and it is a beam through which we, in the Heaven Worlds, can guide you.

This is Ashtar, helping you with information, as you are ready to receive it.

And also… From a channeling through Ashtar's Trinity in which Ashtar was asked about his 'origins':

Janisel: Can you settle the little question (from the list) about where you're from as far as this chain of planets on the other side of Venus?

Ashtar: *sigh* May I explain something please? There are those that walk upon the face of this planet that are very open minded and highly enlightened about Beings being from elsewhere....as long as they remain in this galaxy. I can say that I have had a past life on what used to be referred to as Venus' "sister-planet", which is no longer here. I can also say that my true origins, as far as where my first incarnation birth was, no longer exists. If any wish to know my origins now, you may be completely free in telling them, "I am a Being of Light from the Heart of the Creator, that manifests when and where needed."

And yet another piece of the puzzle…
From Ashtar through Ashtar's Trinity at a public channeling:

Ashtar: I have come in to introduce myself. The essence of my Being, in what you refer to as this incarnation, is my title as 'Commander'… in your English terms. Technically, it doesn't sound anything at all like that, but I accept that title. And I am referred to in this incarnation as Ashtar. Some refer to me as Ashtar Sheran… that is not me. The 'Ashtar' is, the 'Sheran' is my father's name, and some seem to think that we are one and the same. They are highly mistaken!


Without resorting to the use of channelings which abound on the Internet as to what the Ashtar Command is, let us give a very simple explanation. The Command is the cohesive organization, under the ultimate direction of Lord Sananda, which has come together for the sole purpose of overseeing the safety and spiritual development of Earth and all her inhabitants. It is composed of various Races and Species from throughout this Universe as well as some from other Universes. The question has often been asked, "Are Beings such as the Greys and Reptilians part of the Command?" The answer to that is, "Yes." One cannot lump all off-world Beings into a category of either 'good' or 'bad' anymore than you could say all Earth humans are either 'good' or 'bad'. All Races and Species have their share of both of these energetics. You may feel assured, however, that all those working within the Ashtar Command are of a higher-vibrational nature and all within the Command are working for the good of Earth mankind. The Command, however, is not composed of simply 'aliens' from other planets, galaxies or dimensions. It also includes the Angelic Realms and those working in their behalf.  Their craft have surrounded and monitored Earth for billions of years, ever watching, ever protecting, and ever loving, ensuring our safety, our sovereignty, and most of all our freewill choice. So look to the skies, and if you see one of our space brothers and sisters, give a heartfelt 'wave' and say "Thank you, God!"


Spirit Calls... Beyond Tree Hugging

By S. Roger Joyeux

    A short while ago, My wife, Judy, called me at work to tell me that I needed to talk to one of the five big pine trees in our backyard. I was surprised because talking to trees is easy enough; we have both done this before. We have some shamanic background; and we both channel the Ascended Masters.
     The particular pine that wanted to speak with us is not the first tree in our backyard to express itself. We have a “May Tree” that calls itself a “healing tree”. But, its version of ‘healing’ may not be what one would expect. The landscapers that worked on our yard well before we arrived had split the trunk of the May Tree so that it grew with four main trunks, rather that one primary trunk. At the time I spoke to it, disease had been invading its limbs. Both the tree and the nature spirits helped me to prune the dead and diseased branches. Several branches had been removed at some point thus leaving scars. The reason the May Tree called itself a ‘healing’ tree, and in a tone of disappointed resignation, is that throughout its life, it had to undergo one form of healing or another―-split trunk, scars, disease, and more. The unfortunate May Tree had been on the mend since the very beginning of its life. It was always healing.
    Another tree that not only speaks to us, but also works with us, is our Mountain Ash Tree. When we first conversed with it, it let us know that it was a “Rowan” tree, which is another name for Mountain Ash. Druid lore recognizes the Rowan tree for its healing ability. The Druids also made wands and staffs from the Rowan tree because of its magical powers. In harmony with the natural flow of events, Judy and I created what we call our “Angels’ Sanctuary” in the shade of the Rowan tree and the large pine next to it. Both Judy and I, as well as many of our lightworker friends, have sat in Angels’ Sanctuary to balance, to ground, and to experience the healing of our Rowan tree. It quite effectively removes a person’s negative energies and sends them into the higher planes where they transmute to light. Sitting in the shade and the embrace of our Rowan tree is always a moment of heavenly peace.
    On the day that Judy assigned me to speak to the pine tree, she had been doing yard work, at which time the pine had said to her to pick up the pinecones. Because Judy was single-minded about her task, and because she was picking up a sense of the pine tree’s agitation, she was unable to receive any further directions as to what the tree wanted. Was the tree agitated because Judy did not understand its message, or was it agitated for some other reason?
    Fortunately, it was not the dead of winter and the weather was beautiful. I set about my task by first lying on the ground under the pine tree. I slipped into a mild meditative state. I just direct my attention to the tree knowing that I will pick up the impressions it intends. The pine tree told me that it needed to be itself in a larger sense. It actually said that it wanted to ‘Rise Higher’. It offered the vision that it saw itself in our yard as its purpose on Earth. It indicated that it was at peace and in harmony with the pruning that I had done to keep it off the garden shed roof. It also said that it was at peace with the fact that our yard was groomed to the point that there was no more room for any other trees.
    What pine tree meant when it expressed the need to expand was that, as a tree and as a living organism, its purpose on Earth was to extend its life beyond itself. It needed to procreate. It needed to have baby-trees―-hence, its first request to pick up the pinecones. The pine tree wanted us to gather the pinecones, take them to somewhere in the natural landscape, and spread its pinecones around. Indeed, the tree wanted to be itself as a parent.
    We got it!
    Within the next week, Judy gathered up the pinecones into a couple of shopping bags and took them to Fish Creek Provincial Park to cast them on the ground along the banks of Fish Creek, which is about a mile from our home. She told me afterward that, at the moment that she began to spread them around, she felt the tree sigh in relief. She said she sensed that the tree’s feeling of self-fulfillment displaced its agitation.
    Our backyard trees have served us well in so many ways. We were both touched and grateful that we were able to serve one of them in this small and humbling way.

S. Roger Joyeux is the author of The Story of Light, volumes one and two, and is in the process of writing a third volume devoted to crystals. He offers workshops on crystals from time to time. The next Crystals’ Workshop is on August 14-15. For more info, visit http://angelsandancestors.com/workshop.html#crystal.


Astrology Grand Cross
Time of Radical Shift--- A Look into the Coming Cycle

by Maurice Fernandez

    We are in the beginning of a very unique time in history that will redefine the foundations of our lives. The astrological circumstances are uncommon and very dramatic. Change is likely to affect every level of our being, even though each person will feel it differently and in varying degrees of intensity.

    There are multiple planetary bodies that are gradually forming a very particular and rare alignment. This configuration began to form during the fall of 2008. Politically, that time was when the economical crisis exploded and when US president Barack Obama was elected. The configuration will move into a second phase during November 2009 and January/February 2010. (Saturn will move into the Cardinal sign of Libra and will form powerful angle to Pluto in Capricorn)...

    The third phase is probably the most dramatic and intense, and will occur from the end of June to the end of July 2010,when all the factors of the configuration will align together in a cross at the very beginning of Cardinal signs in astrology. Cardinal signs are the signs of new cycles. The planets in questions are Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars.

    These planets are slow moving bodies and therefore it is absolutely exceptional that these slow moving bodies end up all aligned in a cross on these very sensitive degrees! In normal circumstances, some people go through changes while others continue their routine. Here the alignment is so strong and dramatic that everyone's life can be considerably affected, it is likely that your life will not be the same by fall 2010!

    The question that often arises is:" Is it bad, or is it good?" The answer is that it depends on the way one deals with the events; a conscious approach can make a difference. One thing for certain: do not expect security, consistency, and predictability during this time. Reality is bound to change fast and so it is better to move with the flow, while remaining conscious of what is going on. Flexibility is one of the most important assets during this time.

    This influence is analogous to a gigantic wave forming; you can ride on that wave and go farther than ever expected -experience a powerful transformation that can elevate you to new grounds. But this wave can also destroy a lot of what you are currently attached to.

    Redefinition may occur in different fields: you may change vocation, relation-ships, location, mindsets, to name but a few. New people will move into your life, current ones may leave. New ideas and projects will develop and you may feel inspired to completely reinvent yourself! The cards are re-shuffled! This is a time of an awakening, a revolution; an internal and social revolution. Everything is shaking up, everything, from November 2009 until August 2010, nothing will stay still. It can be very good, but you have to learn to navigate these changes and seize opportunity when it comes. Don't try to have it all perfect, don't try to keep the cake and eat it: change can take you to a completely new and perhaps higher level of what you are about, but you will have to let go of your security during this time.

    It is a time for risk, reinvention, new ideas, new concepts, new vision, and the impetus to make it happen. Marriages may break, jobs and possessions may be lost, people may get sick, and simultaneously, new relationships may emerge, new passion may awaken, a completely new lifestyle is in the making...You are embarking on an adventure whether you know it or not, whether you like it or not.

    My suggestion: make peace with the idea, don't resist the adventure. If you are accepting it, you will make the best of it. If you fight and resist it, you won't win.  This is what I mean by being open to risk taking, it may be time to take that "plunge!"

    Risking does not mean giving in to every silly venture. It is about hearing a calling for truth, things you have denied, postponed, avoided, feared, but things you know were true. This is a time to be more truthful and follow a calling.

    Collectively, while the forces of corruption and manipulation may attempt to control the course of events, they are bound to disintegrate. Scandals will continue to hit the news, Natural events will continue to shake the earth. At worst, a war may break during summer 2010 or later because dramatic changes can spur fear and conflict... But it does not have to go that way; we are creators of our own destiny in the midst of the given circumstances.

    As you go through these changes, it is crucial that you take good care of your immune system because as positive as changes may be, they can overwhelm you and weaken your immune system: eat more healthy, avoid fast sugar, ingest raw garlic and onions daily (sandwich), exercise, take time out of the intensity loop, do not let negativity take over-these are basic tips that can keep you grounded.

    Importantly: the situation heating up is like a piece of molten iron that can be beaten into a better form-personally and collectively. Be an ambassador of good and avoid wasting time on trivial details.

    For example, as we see the earth being depleted and all resources and species dwindling, people waste time arguing if global warming is or is not happening, if it is man-made or not! IT DOESN'T MATTER! What matters is that the natural world is vanishing before our eyes because of our misaligned actions: excessive pollution, deforestation, and peaking toxicity levels are a reality beyond global warming debates. Similarly, the economy is not likely to stabilize any time soon, but perhaps, necessarily so. And so it will be with many other aspects of your life ... you will not have immediate answers. Be patient and keep doing your best. When the cycle will complete, new circumstances will emerge... This cannot be artificially rushed.

    These dramatic times are an opportunity for us to restructure our lives, personally and collectively. As many things are being redefined, we can relinquish bad habits and attachments, open up to new ideas, and invest in what works rather than settle for immediate gratification. Patience is another essential asset.

    In this context, do not expect others to change for the better if you don't do it yourself. We blame the governments and project our frustration on distant "evils," but fail to open our hearts ourselves. Being pro-active may work better than being self-righteous.

October 30 to early December 2009
January 15 to February 15, 2010
June 25 to August 5, 2010
November 1 to December 26, 2010

    Understand this is an opportunity to reinvent ourselves in a better way.  Understand there will be a price to pay, something may need to go.  If you lose something or someone, understand this is the sign of these times, use a crisis to venture into new horizons and create something new.  Understand this is an adventure and risk must be taken.  Understand that this is not a time when we can expect security-we are in transition...

    Listen to your inner truth, make you life truly happen now.  Take care of your immune system: avoid bad diets in general they render you vulnerable to opportunistic viruses.Support your friends and family, we all shall need one another for support during this transition time.Cultivate your spiritual practice: this is also important for your immune system.Do your best to do good: whatever you seed now will have effect now and later.

    There is probably more than can be said and explained, but you get the point. An incredible opportunity is arising, now and throughout 2010, this type of cycle has not happened in recent history. We can expect a certain level of destruction to occur-that is the price to pay, but the prospect of experiencing an awakening and creating a better future is now within reach. We are now in the midst of a revolution - a cultural, social, and political revolution. On a personal level, it is a conceptual, emotional, and or spiritual revolution, truly, it is in the making!

    The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which occurs on June 26 at 5 Capricorn, is one of the major astrological events of this year. This eclipse forms an exact conjunction with Pluto and a cardinal grand cross that also includes Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter/Uranus. Capricorn rules the government, organizations, real estate and one's career, and has the traits of being responsible, cautious, conventional and controlling. The Pluto alignment represents the need for power and control, but it can also be the choice to empower others. With Mercury in Cancer as the fastest moving planet, compassionate heart-centered communication will be very important.

   This grand cross also aligns with the Super Galactic Center at 2 Libra, which has the potential of awakening us to the true nature of our galactic origins and destiny. We have already seen an increase in earth changes and political events, with more dramatic changes likely to unfold later in the summer.The Sabian symbol for the sun in Cancer eclipse degree refers to "the tragic results likely to occur when the individual's will pits itself carelessly against the power of the collective will of society." There is more empowerment from working towards the good of the whole rather than just for individual self-interest. The symbol for the moon in Capricorn degree refers to "the mobilization of physical and emotional energies in a spirit of conquest." Our own inner forces of transformation will soon be energized by these powerful cardinal cross energies.

Cardinal T Square leading into 6.26 ECLIPSE

 Cancer starts in the throes of two Cardinal T Squares this year!  The 19th the Sun squared Saturn (still in Virgo), 21st, today, squares Uranus, 23rd squares Jupiter, 25, is opposite Pluto, the final aspect.  The very next day, is the June 26 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 4 Capricorn, which happens to be the degree Pluto, the last planet in the  T Square is at!!!  This series of three squares, finished by the opposition, are a powerful precursor to the Eclipse!  The Eclipse is the disseminator of the  T Square , like an Angel spreading its wings in the sky!  The Moon, the planet of Cancer, arrives at the final planet of the T, Pluto, the planet of Scorpio.  Moon is nurturing; Scorpio is healing through letting go, forgiveness, sharing, the  Phoenix rising from its own ashes!  Nothing short of miraculous!

Sun square Saturn in Virgo puts light on frets and worries, pushes past tired rules, steps up the tempo, puts heart in the picture.Sun square Uranus reminds that the Self, one person, makes a difference in a group, may be empowered by being in the right group.  Sun square Jupiter may be overzealous or lazy, but one way or the other, the need to more forward is identified, the truth breaks through!

Sun opposite Pluto, knows it could do it alone, but will do better to engage and include both sides, the best each has to offer.  Moon with Pluto opposite Sun, the Eclipse, opens the heart, crosses the Threshold!  It will take some courage and hard work.

June 24, 25, 26, 27, Mercury runs through the same T Square!  It brings more attention and focus, but expect mixed effects in communications, local travel, what you do with your hands, how you breathe.  The whole couple of weeks before will be on your mind.  How you listen, how you respond, your mental posture will be key.  Could be wise to get more info, think things through, wait before you respond to important matters.

Expect delays and what seem like mistakes, more steps are needed than usual.  Take your time, see how you could make things better.  The Full Moon widens the angle, opens the embrace.  You may uncover secrets, need to reveal or keep secrets.  You may come to a profound but unsettling understanding, for better or worse.  Above all, be as kind as you can.

The coming June 26 eclipse will have an especially strong impact because Uranus will be in sharp angle to the full moon eclipse and Sun. Also, Saturn will oppose Uranus and Jupiter, while Pluto will conjoin the full moon and argue with the other planets. All will square off at 90 degrees to each other, or stare at one another at 180 degrees, forming a cross pattern in the sky - this is considered stressful.

We have not seen such an extreme eclipse in years. Actually, astrologers have gone back 500 years and we have not been able to find anything like the one that is due June 26. Let me reiterate that not everyone will feel the events of June 26, and that is an important point.  Events that come up as a result of an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a normal new or full moon. In fact, an eclipse is like a turbo-new or full moon - it packs much more energy and punch and feels like three rolled into one. An eclipse may even bring on an event that seems "fated." Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction.  The eclipse does not have to fall in your sign to affect you, but it would have to be within a ten-degree range of a natal planet in your chart. In this case you would need a natal planet within ten degrees of 5 degrees of a cardinal sign: Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn. I can't see your chart from here, so it's just wise to wait and see. With Uranus so prominent, what comes up will be completely unexpected anyway, coming out of left field, but I can narrow things down for you.

Eclipses in the same family of signs tend to be connected like pearls on a necklace. It is as though the universe realizes that we can't handle too much big news all at once, so it is divided up into pieces. We are given news of something that is changing or needs to be changed, but further information does not come until the next eclipse, at which time we are ready to move forward.

For this reason, think back to what occurred on December 31 and just after January 15 for clues, for those were the last times we had eclipses in this family of signs.  Eclipses shine the bright light of truth on the part of your life that is touched by the eclipse. Most of the time, eclipses act as brilliant illuminators, revealing a condition that you were unaware existed. They can also act as catalysts to a major life decision. Also under an eclipse, you may finally understand the true character of a person near you.  With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins. During an eclipse period, you may feel like you are walking across a bridge to a new place of the mind and heart, but with no ability to turn back to where you started. Said another way, the door of part of your old life will slam shut and lock tightly behind you as you walk over the threshold. You won't be able to go back to your old life after the eclipse, but upon reflection, you might not want to anymore. You have grown, and now you are ready to face the future with all the surprises and gifts the universe will have ready for you. Armed with the necessary facts, you will now understand a mystery that was never clear to you before. The universe wants us to embrace all that is new, not go back to the old tried and true.

In about six months, we will have another set of eclipses coming on December 21, a total lunar eclipse (full moon) in late degrees of Gemini and on  January 4, 2011 , a solar eclipse (new moon) in Capricorn. The December 21 eclipse will begin to usher in a new series of eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius, just as the old series of Cancer-Capricorn, begun last summer on  June 7, 2009 , begins to wind down and officially end on July 1, 2011 . Often when a new family of signs starts up, an old family of signs ends.