
Ancient Tools versus the Common Cold

The Wisdom of the Ancient Tools

by S. Roger Joyeux

    Copper has long been a healing tool.  Your grandfather may have used a copper bracelet to allieviate the worst affects of arthritis.  Many new agers are using copper pyramids to sit under during meditation.  Ornate jewelry coming from conscious crafts persons often have crystals wrapped in copper.  The intention is to use the copper as an energy conductor for the light flowing through the crystal.
    Personally, I have owned a "copper energy bed" since 1991.  Over the years, I have also built copper energy beds for friends.  This new age tool is a piece of sheet copper mounted on a piece of plywood and comes complete with copper foil edging.  I use the energy bed in conjunction with crystals to do layouts for myself and others.  I have been fortunate enough to have done several hundreds of layouts using my copperboard and crystals.  Early on, I came to realize that one of the ways it works as a healing tool is to eradicate the common cold.
    During the last day of our recent trip to Sedona, Judy and I took a ride on the Verde Valley Scenic Train.  It was a tourist thing-to-do.  The day was quite pleasant and even hot when we lined up for the half hour wait to get on the train.  There was no thought about going back to the car to get warmer clothes.  The first hour of the 3.5 hour train ride was also quite pleasant.  Almost everyone on the train ride was out in the open air cars that were attached front and back of each of the regular Pulman cars. At less than 20 mph, there was very little breeze to be concerned about.  Then the angle of the sun started to drop, and the temperature dropped with it.  The difference was not significant and we both got used to it.  By the last hour, we were both feeling mildly chilly, but Judy did not want to budge from her perch on the rail of the open-air car.  She was there to the bitter end.  Fortunately, cold symptoms did not surface until we were safely back in Calgary, but she caught the common cold on that train ride.
    Soon enough, her nose was running, she was coughing, and fatigue and headache were also part of the symptoms she was experiencing.  I was cautious about  catching a chill and managed to keep her cold at bay for almost two more weeks.  She did the Cold FX thing, Neocitran, and Robitussan, but the cold ran its course.  Then I started to get the early signs with a sore throat and flagging energies.
    I had mentioned to Judy that she should do a copperboard session or two, but she she never did.  When I started to get symptoms, I too procrastinated.  On the second day of my falling into a cold, I knew that if I procrastinated any longer, the cold would catch hold for the worst.  So, I did a copperboard and crystals layout that afternoon, and another that evening.  The symptoms were still present after the second session, but not any worse.  On the third day, when a cold would cause runny nose, coughing, and pronounced weakness, I did two more sessions on the copperboard.  After the third session in two days, I could feel the cold lifting. After the fourth session, the symptoms were receding nicely. On the fourth day, I had only traces of a cold.  I did one other session that day.  Thereafter, I had no cold.  I did another session on the sixth day just to be sure, but by then I had no symptoms of any kind.
    This was not the first time that I had used the copper energy bed and crystals to ward off the common cold.  I just knew that unless I was willing to suffer the discomfort of being sick, I needed to use my copperboard.  It worked as I knew it would.
    Colds, from our understanding, are episodes of energy clearing that deal with our personal baggage and issues, and set us up for what is ahead in our lives.  The symptoms come.  The unpleasantness sets in, and for about two weeks, the common cold has you by the throat.  However, clearing energy, for whatever needs to clear, does not need to be unpleasant.  Using the copper energy bed is the easy way.  I am just glad that I have one.

©S. Roger Joyeux is the author of The Story of Light, volumes one and two, and has been offering crystal layouts, crystal workshops, and light body activation for over 20 years. For info on his workshops, visit the workshop page. For info on his books visit The Story of Light.